All Episodes

October 5, 2022 | Episode 5, Season 3

Illustration of man and child holding hands and hiking in nature

with Audrey Schield, ASW

Almost every day it seems that we are exposed to various acts of violence — school shootings, war, terrorism and more. As a result, our kids can end up feeling confused, frightened and unsafe. How can we validate those feelings while providing comfort to our kids? How do we encourage them to ask questions, even if we may not have all the answers? Should we wait until they come to us or bring it up ourselves? In today’s podcast episode, we talk with Audrey Schield, bilingual Associate Social Worker at CHC’s Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services, as she shares strategies for crafting developmentally appropriate conversations with your kids about violence.

September 21, 2022 | Episode 4, Season 3

with Jennifer Leydecker, LMFT

In honor of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, we continue our coverage of this complex topic in our Voices of Compassion podcast series with a brand new episode.

September 7, 2022 | Episode 3, Season 3

with George Alex Lazo, PsyD

Nearly half of Americans report feeling left out or alone, and over two-thirds of teens report being lonely. Research shows that loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity. But did you know that even just one friend can be enough? Tune in to today’s episode as we talk with Dr. George “Alex” Lazo, licensed clinical psychologist at CHC’s Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services, about the difference between being alone and lonely, how to build tolerance in our kids and the importance of “checking in.”

August 31, 2022 | Episode 2, Season 3

with Jody M. Miller, EdD, BCBA

School avoidance has become a major issue, exacerbated by long periods of distance learning and isolation. What causes school avoidance? How does it show up in kids and how can parents effectively support their children in getting back to the classroom? In today’s conversation with Dr. Jody Miller, Head of Esther B. Clark Schools at CHC, we learn that by identifying the motivating factors for kids to want to go to school, we can better understand and address the anxiety around their absence. Dr. Miller is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and has spent her career working with students who struggle to participate in typical classroom settings.

August 23, 2022 | Episode 1, Season 3

Illustration of young person on seesaw with a heart in one hand and a brain in the other

with Christopher Harris, MEd

Social-emotional health is fundamental to life and learning: in fact, research shows that it is a greater predictor of academic success than IQ. As our kids head back to school, we are mindful of what they have been through in the past few years and the youth mental health crisis in our midst. How can we as parents best support our children’s social-emotional wellbeing at home and in the classroom? CHC’s Chief Education Officer, Chris Harris, MEd shares timely tips in today’s podcast episode.

August 17, 2022 | Episode 34, Season 2

Illustration of person surrounded by arrows flying in different directions

with Glen R. Elliott, PhD, MD

In today’s Part 2 episode, we continue the conversation with CHC’s Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services expert, Dr. Glen Elliot. If you are a parent of a child with ADHD, you’ll be glad to hear that “there truly is light at the end of the tunnel.” Persistent, loving, unconditional support, effective interventions and adapting to your child’s evolving needs can lead to really positive outcomes. Dr. Elliot speaks with experience on all fronts: as an accomplished researcher, writer and practitioner on the subject, and the parent of an adult son with ADHD. Listen today as he shares his wisdom on the different types of ADHD, behavioral interventions, medication considerations and other strategies for supporting your unique child.

August 10, 2022 | Episode 33, Season 2

Illustration of frightened child surrounded by snakes

with Glen R. Elliott, PhD, MD and Natalie Pon, MD

In today’s Part 2 podcast episode, we continue the conversation with CHC’s Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services experts, Dr. Glen Elliott and Dr. Natalie Pon, on the topic of young children and anxiety. Anxiety in young children is pervasive, and the start of the school year can be nerve-racking for kids and parents alike. Join us as we delve into school-related strategies––socialization, setting expectations, identifying emotions and utilizing play––to set your young child up for success. Listen now (and don’t forget to go back and catch Part 1 if you missed it!)

May 25, 2022 | Episode 32, Season 2

Illustration of diverse group of 5 people hugging and facing a rainbow

with Grace Gengoux, PhD, BCBA-D and Ramsey Khasho, PSyD

In proud partnership with Common Ground, a locally renowned speaker series for over 15,000 families in over 40 schools, we are excited to bring you this Voices of Compassion podcast episode. While Common Ground is primarily a parent education consortium, this conversation is specifically targeted to mental health professionals in schools and beyond. We’ve all heard the self-care metaphor for parents: “put your own oxygen mask on first.” But this is just as critical for mental health providers: your own well-being is essential to providing positive outcomes for your students and clients. Listen into this eye-opening conversation with Dr. Grace Gengoux, Clinical Professor and the Well-being Director within Stanford University’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Dr. Ramsey Khasho, Chief Clinical Officer at CHC, as they share self-care strategies for those in a position to care for others.

May 18, 2022 | Episode 31, Season 2

Illustration of a woman and a girl chatting casually. The girl is petting a cat.

with Tracy Cavaligos, PsyD

Between 2009 and 2019, the percentage of teens who reported having “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26 percent to 37 percent and, in 2021, to 44 percent. Further, research shows that 1 in 5 youth in distress felt that they didn’t have someone they could turn to in a crisis. How can we let our teens know we’re here for them and protect them from significant mental health challenges? How do we know what to say, or even where to begin? In today’s podcast episode, CHC clinical services expert, Dr. Tracy Cavaligos shares myriad tips and takeaways for talking to our teens about mental health.

It takes a village.

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