Living With ADHD in a Pandemic
with Ross Loofbourrow

with Ross Loofbourrow
Episode 25, Season 1 | April 1, 2021
Working remotely while the kids distance learn from the dining room table and the dishwasher’s full and the couch covered in laundry and the dog needs a walk and it’s already snack time even though you just cleaned up breakfast...The past year has been a time of distraction and overwhelm for all of us, especially those with learning and attention differences. ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental condition that affects about 9% of children in the U.S. between the ages of 3 and 17. In today’s podcast episode, we're talking with Ross Loofbourrow, an adult with ADHD who has learned throughout his lifetime to use his differences to his advantage, and leverage his strengths as superpowers. Ross will share his experiences living through a pandemic with ADHD — the joys, the struggles, and the strategies he’s learned along the way.
Ross grew up in the Santa Cruz Mountains next to the Silicon Valley diagnosed with an ADHD brain and auditory processing challenges in 2nd grade which became quite the adventure — full of challenges and surprises! He graduated with a B.A. degree in Communication Studies from Westmont College in Santa Barbara. After graduating from college in 2009, he joined Apple Inc working in the Apple Stores throughout the Bay Area. Over the past 11.5 years, he has called 5 different Apple Stores home contributing in a variety of capacities for Apple Retail including Sales, Customer Support, Hiring, Recruiting, Training, Leadership, and currently as a Manager. Ross has helped lead teams including hundreds of talented and diverse individuals in fast-paced and ever-changing environments. He continues today motivating dynamic teams of people at Apple Retail with his contagious energy and zest for life! He loves to share his story of hope, discovery, tenacity, and drive which inspires and encourages anyone on their own ADHD journey.
From CHC's Resource Library:
Managing ADHD During the COVID-19 Pandemic
ADHD Symptoms Unmasked by the Pandemic: Diagnoses Spike Among Adults, Children
Support for Kids With ADHD During the Pandemic
Distance Learning Toolkit: Key Practices to Support Students Who Learn Differently
Students Are Distracted. What Can Educators Do About It?
Sample Learn-at-Home Schedule for Elementary Students With ADHD or Learning Differences
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